Thursday, December 21, 2006


Jacob: It's done.

Southeast Asia: Here we come.

Today I went to the travel clinic to get my shots done. Feeling a little bit faint and a whole lot of nervous at the prospect of getting a bunch of needles stabbed into me, I was relieved when the doctor told me I should really only get a single shot because we had timed our travels perfectly: the dates and route that we have chosen will keep us outside of the rainy seasons, thus limiting our exposure to the really bad stuff. Mosquitoes, though they will continue to pose a significant threat, will be reduced so drastically in number that all I really needed to get done was the initial vaccination for hepatitis A and typhoid fever. As you can see, it was a fairly painless procedure.

No follow-up shots for a year. Now all I have to do is pick up some doxycycline for the malaria and I'll be good to go.

December is (still) update-a-day month! To read all the posts this month, click here!

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